Group Counseling
17939 N. Pennsylvania Ave, Ste B
Edmond OK 73012
Making Sense of Your Worth
Self-worth is the foundation of who we are as human beings and in today’s world is highly sought after. It plays a role in every decision we make and in every relationship we have. This eight week program is designed for anybody who desires the freedom that comes with living in positive self-worth and secure attachment.
he Making Sense of Your Worth curriculum follows a step-by-step process of gaining positive self-worth. It was created by Cindy R. Lee, LCSW in partnership with HALO Project International and participants in the program show an increase in positive self-worth upon completion.
8 weeks
$30 per session
Spiritual Trauma Processing Group
Next groups will start October 22nd and 23rd
Tuesdays at 6
Wednesdays at 6
Penn Ave Office
This group is meant to provide support for those who have experienced religious trauma, and allow a space to process shared experiences with others. Participants will also be equipped with helpful tools and resources to help them move forward. This group is open to all, no matter where you are on your journey. If you no longer consider yourself religious, if you have found a new belief system, or if you are still figuring it out, you are welcome here. These are closed groups which means once the group starts there will be no new members until the next session. This creates felt safety and values confidentiality that is of utmost importance.
If you are interested in receiving information about this group, please click on the “Connect” box and Brooke will reach out to you soon.
6-week closed groups
$30 per session / $15 for current Vérité clients
This group will be facilitated by Brooke Larimore, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate (#12083), Supervised by Selene Parker, LPC (#05273)