LPC Supervision

with Selene

If you are seeking a graduate internship opportunity or LPC Candidacy Supervision, there are opportunities at Vérité Counseling.

As a state board approved supervisor for LPC candidates, I have over 12 years of counseling experience in various settings, school, non-profit outpatient, and private practice. I have experience working with clients seeking healing from trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, life transitions, relationship issues, and many other concerns that have brought my clients into counseling.

I supervise from an educational perspective while using a variety of theories, including cognitive-behavioral and person-centered modalities. Candidacy supervision is a collaborative effort where it is no longer a professor-student role but more of a collegial, mentor/supervisor relationship.

I outline my philosophy and practice of supervision below. I hope to connect with you when you are ready to consider your options for internship, practicum or candidacy supervision.

Selene Parker, LPC Supervisor

My philosophy and practice of supervision

I am committed to providing Candidates with real-world counseling supervision on a wide variety of topics such as:

  • ethical & legal issues that may arise in practice

  • how to network and market yourself as a counselor

  • how to complete an initial evaluation, giving a diagnosis & writing a treatment plan

  • how to become an insurance provider once you are licensed

  • how to fill out insurance paperwork when you are fully licensed

I follow and use a curriculum devised to cover:

  • Evaluation & Assessment

  • Mental Status Exam

  • Information Gathering

  • Diagnosis & Treatment

  • DSM-5 Disorders

  • Schools of Psychotherapy

  • Family Therapy

  • Groups

  • Career/Lifestyle Development

  • Human Growth & Development

  • Clinical Practice & Ethics

  • Codes of Ethics

  • Professional Development

  • And many more topics

The monthly supervision fee includes weekly sessions, handouts, networking opportunities. My rate is $100 per 45 minute supervision session. Supervision sessions are held at the Vérité Counseling offices.

There is no fee for our initial meeting, and the Candidate does not start to pay the supervision fee until the they have received their approval from the Oklahoma Board of Behavioral Health.

What I am looking for in an LPC Candidate

  • An ethical and moral foundation, who will read & follow all LPC Rules.

  • Someone that can accept responsibility is respectful of the supervisor-supervisee relationship, is organized, exhibits a commitment to time management, following through with recommendations, referrals, chart corrections, and other tasks.

  • A willing-to-learn attitude and willingness to ask questions.

  • A dedication to the counseling profession and a desire for professional growth.

  • A Candidate who does not want to settle for easy supervision with someone that only signs off on their hours but is willing to be challenged to become the best counselor they can be.

Supervision has a two-fold purpose: to protect the public, and to provide a necessary training experience for guiding new therapist in the development of their clinical skills, professional credibility and confidence. This can be achieved by ensuring candidates have an understanding of their ethical responsibilities and that through their supervision experience master the competencies required of licensed counselors. As a supervisor, I assume a level of responsibility for the psychological and emotional well-being of the clients of my supervisees. This responsibility I take very seriously.

As each supervisee seeks to obtain licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor, I, as supervisor, will do everything within my power to help my supervisees be successful. In addition to my responsibility to the clients, I also have a responsibility to the profession and expect supervisees to demonstrate proficiency and professionalism that improves our profession. I reserve the right to cease supervision with any supervisee who fails to demonstrate these traits or abilities.

If you are interested in discussing supervision, please fill out the form below.